特斯拉裁员“超过 10%”的全球员工

特斯拉在一封全公司内部电子邮件中宣布裁员“超过 10%”的全球员工。

过去几个月,特斯拉似乎正在为新一轮裁员做准备。 特斯拉告诉经理们要确定关键的团队成员,并暂停了一些股票奖励,同时取消了一些员工的年度考核。 它还减少了上海超级工厂的产量。

然后,在周末,我们听到了有关裁员即将发生的传言,这些传言来自多个独立来源,正如我们昨天报道的那样。 有传言称,裁员幅度可能高达 20%,此外,我们还听说特斯拉将缩短德克萨斯州 Gigafactory 工厂的 Cybertruck 生产班次(尽管首席执行官埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 最近坚称 Cybertruck 目前产量有限)。

现在,这些谣言在马斯克向全公司范围内发送的一封电子邮件中得到了证实,尽管数量较少,但该电子邮件在发送后不久就被泄露。 电子邮件全文如下:

Over the years, we have grown rapidly with multiple factories scaling around the globe. With this rapid growth there has been duplication of roles and job functions in certain areas. As we prepare the company for our next phase of growth, it is extremely important to look at every aspect of the company for cost reductions and increasing productivity.

As part of this effort, we have done a thorough review of the organization and made the difficult decision to reduce our headcount by more than 10% globally. There is nothing I hate more, but it must be done. This will enable us to be lean, innovative and hungry for the next growth phase cycle.

I would like to thank everyone who is departing Tesla for their hard work over the years. I’m deeply grateful for your many contributions to our mission and we wish you well in your future opportunities. It is very difficult to say goodbye.

For those remaining, I would like to thank you in advance for the difficult job that remains ahead. We are developing some of the most revolutionary technologies in auto, energy and artificial intelligence. As we prepare the company for the next phase of growth, your resolve will make a huge difference in getting us there.



虽然我们没有确切的百分比,但“超过 10%”意味着至少有 14,000 名员工将被解雇,因为特斯拉的员工总数约为 140,000 名员工(值得注意的是,特斯拉的员工数量并没有经历那么多“ 近年来的快速增长”,就像过去一样,这使得电子邮件中的那一行有点空洞)。




此前,特斯拉发布了糟糕的季度交付报告,交付量明显低于预期,并且销量罕见地同比下降。 虽然特斯拉没有按地理区域细分销量,但主要下滑似乎来自中国,中国电动汽车制造商在国内和出口市场都在迅速崛起。

特斯拉将于下周二(4 月 23 日)发布季度利润报告。分析师预计,特斯拉每股盈利仍将在 50 美分左右,低于 2023 年第一季度的每股 85 美分。

在前几个季度,特斯拉曾指导在增长阶段之间“暂停”,预计销量增长将更加温和,直到发布下一代汽车,例如售价约 25,000 美元的 Model 2(尽管路透社最近报道称马斯克希望转移特斯拉的重点) 就在宣布机器人出租车揭幕活动前几个小时,马斯克否认了这一消息)。
